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Original LÖWE loppers
For quick, precise or powerful cuts
The superior technology of anvil loppers make them perfect for demanding applications.
These bypass loppers have a precision-cutting head for clean and precise cuts.

PROFESSIONAL: Anvil loppers

Fast Cut

Anvil loppers with straight, narrow blades recommended for fast and efficient work.

Lopper 20.080Lopper 20.080

Clean Cut

These bypass loppers deliver precise and clean cuts – ideal for tree nurseries.

Lopper 21.065Lopper 21.065

Power Cut

Hybrid loppers for powerful cuts though thick and hard branches.

Lopper 22.100Lopper 22.100

PRECISION: Bypass loppers

Clean Cut

The ideal bypass loppers with a slim precision-cutting head are perfect for densely tangled branches.

Lopper 31.040Lopper 31.040

Overview of loppers